2003 ltz help


Dec 16, 2008
I went and looked at 2003 Ltz400 today i can get it for $900
the starter was shot so we pull started it.
it started up fine but had a lot of valve noise.
rode it and it had very little power and would not wind out 1st gear.

would this be caused of valves not adjusted correctly or jacked up?
or would this be because of something else.

it did not smoke at all.
just wanted to see what it might be before i jump into it.
thats one of the things i didnt like about mine that cam chain slapping around in there, you need new cam chain, cam chain tensioners, valves, god knows what else
yes like said about.........new vavles,cam chain i would try and talk him down to 800$ and then, this would be a good time to go aftermarket get the head ported and stuff like that