2003 Blaster Transmission Problem.


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
I recently rebuilt my blaster and I am noticing it doesn't want to shift, if I shift without the clutch it shifts fine but for example if I pull in the clutch and start gearing down it will only go down 1 gear if I don't ease of the clutch a little it won't go down anymore at all even though I am still rolling. I have rebuilt many 2 stroke and 4 strokes and never had this problem. I have 10w40 in the transmission.
did you replace the clutch? or is it adjusted right, i didnt have mine set right one time and it did the same, it would only shift down one gear at a time and sumtimes would have to let out on the clutch to get it to grab.
If the arrow on clutch release arm lines up with mark on case , might have to pull clutch cover and look for loose shift star or weak springs on external shift mechanism, Could also be grooved basket.