I bought my first blaster but I own a raptor 350. After picking it up, we got it cranked immediatly. When shifting into first and releasing the clutch it starts clanking pretty bad(sounds like a missing tooth). When I shift to second it stops making noise and seems to ride fine and fast through the rest of the gears. BUT, if you dont shift out of second quick enough, the wheels lock up and won't come out without rocking for a few minutes.
I will be tearing the engine down within the next few days but I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts.
Btw, it has had a top end rebuild, new piston and barely bored if any.
It also has a new carrier bearing.
I will be tearing the engine down within the next few days but I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts.
Btw, it has had a top end rebuild, new piston and barely bored if any.
It also has a new carrier bearing.