14 tooth front sprocket


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
i want to get a 14 tooth sprocket, how much top end will i gain? and how much bottom end will i loose? will my bike have enough power?
I went from 12/40 with 21"s to 14/40 with 18"s, the difference was night and day! It pulls great from the bottom and has way better top end (even with 18"s!). I love it!! It has a bit less torque right off the bottom so wheelies take a little more throttle to get it up.
I went from 12/40 with 21"s to 14/40 with 18"s, the difference was night and day! It pulls great from the bottom and has way better top end (even with 18"s!). I love it!! It has a bit less torque right off the bottom so wheelies take a little more throttle to get it up.

cool there only $12 bucks on ebay, im gonna have to raise the gearing on the 400ex too.
My twelve year old son has a 200cc blaster that he races, he weighs about 80lbs more than all the other boys he races against in the blaster class. If i change his sprockets to a 14 40 will it give him a faster response out the starting gate with out loosing bottom end power throughout the race. Or what do i do to make up for him being so much heaver then the other kids.