baddest atv on the planet ?lol not even close id put my little 358 cub against that in 300 feet .as far as badass modifed Busa quads go there is an event held each year on the west coast where the big duner bikes come out to sand drag it is a international race where the proving is done called banshee wars pacific sand toys built a turbo busa shooting nitrous and registered 5 hundred and some hp at the rear wheels totally one off trick engine and frame rumored to cost 100 thousand dollars to build,ridiculous fast well long story short a 16mill banshee beat it ,and keep in mind a 16mill is not even a big engine by todays banshee engine standards. this is the video of the race...dollar for dollar size for size nothing beats a Banshee
YouTube - Podos Racing 16mil Banshee Wars winner vs NOS Turb