02 blaster keeps blowing up

Brenden Duso

Jan 13, 2018
Okay so I have an 02 blaster , I had to rebuild the top end when I got it , I got a brand new wiseco piston and oem cylinder and head , cosmetic gasket kit and boyesen reeds . I cleaned everything up and put it together and i did a leakdown test and it was all good checked the jetting and it was all good , i started breaking it in (did heat cycles and retorqued ) rode it very easy for about 5 minutes and the piston blew up , I couldn’t believe it . So I took it apart and cleaned everything up again and put a fresh hone on the cylinder and bought another piston , i got it all back together the same as before and got about 5 hours of ride time and It blew up again , I’m not a novice to two stroke top ends but I’m baffled , both times it completely blew apart the intake side of the piston , the rest of the piston looked fine both times . What could possibly cause this ? Can upload pictures of piston if that helps .
I have a hard time believing that the piston "blew up" , not if it's a genuine Wiseco forged piston. I have seen pics of squeezing in a vice or shooting it with a gun. Might have deformed it, but it didn't shatter. I have a forged Vito's piston with a rod sized hole on exhaust side, only damage to it.

You never mentioned if you had a fresh bore to begin with. Were the ports chamfered ? Sure it's a genuine OEM cylinder. ? Just trying to cover all the bases.
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Turns out the cylinder was out of whack , the shop I brought the cylinder to actually screwed it up(wasn’t round) . they bored it and fixed it for free due to the trouble tho , not sure how they managed to mess it up the way they did but I didn’t ask questions because they offered a free fresh bore lol
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