#yamahablaster #200

  1. B

    Yamaha blaster jetting with mods

    Hi guys Since a year or 2 i have an 2004 yamaha blaster type 2. The first year i drove it stock, and everything was fine. But of course after a while you want more power. I put an FMF exhaust system on it without jetting. ran just fine and gave it a nice sound, also a little bit more power...
  2. G

    Yamaha Blaster Idles High When Choke Is Off – Need Help!

    My 2002-200ccYamaha Blaster idles properly when the choke is slightly pulled out, but as soon as I push the choke all the way in, the engine starts revving really high. I’m not sure what’s causing this, and I’m looking for advice on how to fix it. What I’ve Checked and didn’t check So Far...
  3. 2006Blaster200

    Should I mod my 2006 Blaster?

    Hey, so I have a 2006 Yamaha Blaster, and I can’t decide if I should mod it, or sell it for a yfz450. Currently my blaster has vforce 4 reeds, and a full Fmf exhaust system, I’m torn between it because I’m not sure if it’ll be worth dumping money into it, to mod it. Any opinions?