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  • Gotcha, idk ive heard ALOT of problems with them and im not to crazy over the aluminum pegs. Thanks anyways tyler but ill ditch the idea :)
    sorry man havent been on in a while....... ive been at my grandmothers house..... to be quite honest they have some fitment issues right now so i have to get them all good..... they dont allow my brake padeal to move at all so theyre off the quad as of right now.... i'm trying to mod someway to make my pedal work... til then peace
    i just flagged it alot andthey said it might be removed, gonna try to flag more, he's a sucker and a liar, didn;t rmove it, i should go do burnouts on his yard, haha
    he first told me to screw off, then i told him i'm gonnna flag the crap out of him and he aid fine i'll take it off, its still not off, i'm gonna go flag more, haha
    he's gonna take it off, he finally replyed, i thanked him for being honest, i hate people like that, i blocked his number so he can't txt me anymore.
    i flagged as spam, or whatever, that guy is so stupid, he didn;t reply to my message either.
    :o u know i'm not very good with pics and i make excuses but these two arent! my dad is upstairs sleeping at 9:00 because he has shingles, limes disease, and a nice cold......... sorry dude i just cant seem to find a time... i promise you will have them by saturday!
    hey man my dad didnt get home till 10:00 last night and he went straight to bed, i dont know how to work his camera so...... he should be home at 6 or seven tonight..... one prob i had with those nerfs was them getting in the way of my brake pedal.....
    hey dude!!!! i was surfin the local craigslist and found this blaster, it looks just like your old one, weird......look vv.

    2001 Blaster "RE-DONE"
    here is a link to that raptor

    Sioux Falls Racing • View topic - FS:2001 raptor 660 $350
    OBAMA ONE BIG ASS MISTAKE AMERICA.LOL didn't want to get you going posting it in the thread.haha
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