Recent content by 99blaster400

  1. 9

    Newfrom Central MN

    Lino Lakes, Right between Blaine and Forest Lake
  2. 9

    Newfrom Central MN

    Haha its nothing pretty, as it sits right now all it has for plastics is the front hood. Ill still try to get some though
  3. 9

    XS400 powered blaster

    Just traded my snowmobile for a blaster with same motor but from a 77. Havent rode it yet due to needing tie rods and ends but now i especially cant wait!
  4. 9

    Newfrom Central MN

    Hey everyone just picked up a 99 blaster with a 400 cc motor and 6 speed from and older xs400 motorcycle. It hauls ass to say the least. Here to find tips, tricks and thoughts that everyone has. Also, if anyone has some extra plastics for sale I could use some!