Recent content by 97blastermx130

  1. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Thanks y'all I'll get out there soon and check that out and repost what I find!
  2. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Alright I'll try to do that sometime this week and repost what I find out, thanks for the help!
  3. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    I'll have to see if I can borrow one from someone around here then and check into that. I only put about 3 drops of gas in it.
  4. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    I cleaned the sh** out of the carb so idk about that. I thought it was alright if it only went down 1 psi in 10 minutes. Yeah if I have the time tonight I'll check them. I don't have a compression tester so I haven't checked in a while.
  5. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    It stayed running for 20 mins until I shut it off though, I did a leak down test right before that after I put the new base gasket on. I didn't check the reeds because I have them sealed up with gasket sealer and didn't have the time to do all of that.
  6. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Well I don't know what it was, but I did as mud runner said and it started right up and stayed running until i shut it off, should I check anything now? Or why is it that it started with that little bit of gas in the plug hole?
  7. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Yes I've checked all of those, and they're all good.
  8. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Well I'm back, with another problem. My base gasket went out the other day so I ordered a new stock one from Ken, put it on yesterday did a leak down and it only went down one psi after 10 mins. So today I went to start it and it started up for about 1 min and died, tried to start it after that...
  9. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Okay it's been a while but I finally got the blaster running again, slick gave me a new carb and that fixed all my problems! All that trouble and it was all from bad crank seals and bad carb. Thanks everyone for the help!
  10. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Yeah I think that's my next part I'm gonna get, I have it disconnected but it's still on there
  11. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Yes I've completely taken it apart all the jets out and cleaned every hole in the carb till it was spotless using every method of cleaning.
  12. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    I'm running the stock pilot, yes I've cleaned the carb numerous times using a full can of carb cleaner on it, it does leak sometimes even though I've checked the float height a hundred times and it's 21mm, also doing the q-tip toothpaste trick.
  13. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    Thanks slick! I sure hope I get this thing fixed too!
  14. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    I know I don't have an air leak unless it's from the carb to the air filter boot, but I have it good and clamped on there. The air screw is turned out 1 1/2 and I've made 1/8" in and out but made no difference. The slide is almost all the way seated to the carb but a little gap on both...
  15. 97blastermx130

    Not wanting to start!!

    I stay mainly in trails or my yard, which I usually don't get out of 3/4 th gear, so I'm mainly using the needle circuit and main mostly? I've read up on what circuits and jets are what but can't remember which is which. I know that it does rev high when I pull in the clutch no matter what, I've...