Recent content by 2006Blaster200

  1. 2006Blaster200

    Blaster idles for a couple seconds then dies

    Hey all, I have a 06 blaster and recently it started having a problem where it would start and idle for about 5 seconds then it would die and refuse to start again. Reeds are good, carb is clean, compression is good, and has spark what else should I check?
  2. 2006Blaster200

    06 blaster wont start

    Hey everyone, so I have a 2006 blaster and for some reason now it won’t start. It sat for a couple months while it was winter but every couple weeks I’d always start it. Last time it was running was about 3 weeks ago, and now it refuses, has good spark, good compression, freshly cleaned carb, I...
  3. 2006Blaster200

    What are some good cosmetics for my blaster?

    Hey everyone. I have a 2006 blaster and I am looking for some nice things I should add onto it. Currently I have vforce 4 reeds, 66.50mm wiseco piston, full port and polish and a full Fmf exhaust system, that’s what I got for the engine and I’m happy with how it performs. I’m thinking about...
  4. 2006Blaster200

    Looking for new carburetor

    Hey, so I’m looking for a new carb for my blaster, currently it’s a stock carb, and I need a new one because threads for the cap stripped, also wouldn’t mind a bigger carb. Currently my mods are full Fmf pipe, vforce 4 reeds, ported and polished cylinder, polished head, and new wiseco 66.50mm...
  5. 2006Blaster200

    Looking for designs for a blaster build over winter

    Hey everyone, so I’ve decided that this winter I’m going to be taking my 2006 blaster completely apart and be painting lots of stuff, frame, swing arm, a arms, etc. I’m trying to find the right colour schemes, so I’m hoping some of you guys who have built some blasters over the years could send...
  6. 2006Blaster200

    What jets should I run for colder weather?

    Sorry for the late response, I had a 240 before but now I switched to a 280, going to see how it is once I have the quad back together
  7. 2006Blaster200

    What jets should I run for colder weather?

    Hey, so I have a 2006 Yamaha blaster. At the moment it has vforce 4 reeds, and full Fmf exhaust pipe. Recently I just blew it up from running too lean. I had it running great before temperature dropped, so I’m guessing I’m gonna need to rejet it for the weather, what should I be running?
  8. 2006Blaster200

    Should I mod my 2006 Blaster?

    There’s actually a decent condition 250r in my area for 4500$
  9. 2006Blaster200

    Should I mod my 2006 Blaster?

    Oh boy I wish, lol. Unfortunately every trx 250r that’s showed up in my area is 15 grand, would be pretty hard for a 15 year old to come up with that money, lol
  10. 2006Blaster200

    Should I mod my 2006 Blaster?

    Thank you, I am now trying to sell the blaster for a 450.
  11. 2006Blaster200

    Should I mod my 2006 Blaster?

    Thank you, I’m trying too sell my blaster for a 450 now.
  12. 2006Blaster200

    Should I mod my 2006 Blaster?

    Hey, so I have a 2006 Yamaha Blaster, and I can’t decide if I should mod it, or sell it for a yfz450. Currently my blaster has vforce 4 reeds, and a full Fmf exhaust system, I’m torn between it because I’m not sure if it’ll be worth dumping money into it, to mod it. Any opinions?