Kosi Bay


Your Friendly South African Ambassador
Mar 26, 2008
East London, South Africa
Hi guys! well ive put the WR200 transplant on ice for a few months while I prepare for a holiday to one of Africa's gems.

My wife and I and 2 buddies are going up to Kosi Bay, on the South African border with Mozambique. The area consists of 4 inter-leading lakes, the top one being fresh water and the other three being tidal. The area is known for its biodiversity and good fish stocks, and our goal is to catch some GT kingfish, and the odd snapper...

The area is a national wetland park and is home to hippos, crocs, malaria and other jungle diseases, as well as black mambas, gaboon adders, mozambique spitting cobras and retty much all the other snakes africa can throw at you, even the rock python! So we are looking forward to it!

We plan to go up to Ponte do Oure in Mozam while we are there and do a charter who offers swimming with dolphins, which should be quite an experience!

we dragging a boat all 1400km of the way up the coast with my 4x4 and hope to inundate you with photos and make you all want to visit me in Africa...

in the meantime, some pics from the web

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