blaster porting?

Aug 8, 2013
i was hoping you guys could tell me what kind of porting this looks runs like a animal.i found out i have a stripped out stud gonna replace the blaster studs with cr500 studs. figured id take pics while its apart.


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Cant see nothing but mumbojumbo letters and numbers and crap.. re try or something...
Home port job and a bad one at that. From what I can see, the exhaust port has nothing done to it and neither do the transfers where they enter the cylinder. The top of the transfers have been sanded smooth. The intake ports have been raised and widened quite a bit. The height of the ports aren't even. They may have done this because the gaps in the rings open on different sides of the boost port. The amount of material between the boost port and the top in the intake is very thin and will be prone to developing a crack.
the exhaust port has had alot done to it i measured the ported cylinder and a stock unported cylinder i have laying around and i came up with this.

ported exhaust port
30.2mm tall
51.4mm wide

stock exhaust port
24.3mm tall
46.7mm wide
Those ports look like someone got carried away with a dermal tool, my cylinder is professionally ported by one of the best blaster builders out there, its an aggressive trail port an my intake side isnt opened up that big, but mine has boyesen ports also, but to me it looks like the velocity through that intake tract would be greatly hindered, the total size of the exhaust port dont really mean much, its the timing of the ports that really matters, an without bolting a degree wheel on it an a dial indicator youll never know were its at
I work in durations instead of heights, but those numbers sound about right for an 8k-9k rpm power peak if I had to guess.

As for those pictures... there's nothing that I hate more than uneven ports. Those piston ports are noticeably different. That's a blind man's port if I had to put a finger on it. The thin spot that KOR mentioned made me do a double take because I've never seen one that bad. It honestly looks like a flat file was used throughout with some sandpaper used here and there. It isn't often that I see a cylinder that I'd recommend replacing, but yours is one of them.
the exhaust port has had alot done to it i measured the ported cylinder and a stock unported cylinder i have laying around and i came up with this.

ported exhaust port
30.2mm tall
51.4mm wide

stock exhaust port
24.3mm tall
46.7mm wide

I'll take your word for it on the exhaust port. It looks like it has the same paint as the transfers.
I'd be patient and wait for a used ported cylinder that still has a few oversizes left on it. 67mm is about the limit I'd go unless I'm in a pinch.
I wouldn't buy a used ported cylinder ever unless it was ported by one of the top builders, id be looking for a cylinder 67 or under thats stock ports, an then send it to quality builder, there is only 2 builders around I would ever use, flotek or kor, I personally use flotek, but kor is a badass too