New Uni Filter Contest


Jun 30, 2013
South Western PA
Somehow I ordered 2 unfilters when I was doing the purple Blaster. I have no need for this one, and figured I'd give it away, but have little contest for it .

OK, if you want to enter, all I ask is post a pic of your nasty, dirty , NON Unfilter. The one I feel looks like sin dipped in misery will be our lucky winner.

This starts now, and will end Friday at 8pm eastern time.

oh man, I'm gonna have to run to the farm and get the nasty filter on my spare blaster I plan on rebuilding. Its pretty nasty so I'm gonna replace it anyway. Might as well try and get this one.
couldn't have been too bad, it let more dirt thru than it collected anyway :D

It was bad, covered in mud and dry as the previous owner seemed to just "set it and forget it"
I fixed so many air and exhaust leaks on this thing it's crazy. I'll go through and rebuild next season so that I know for sure everything is tip top.
It was bad, covered in mud and dry as the previous owner seemed to just "set it and forget it"

I was joking about K&N's allowing too much dirt thru
Well there were two entries. 99blasterzach and 200 cc

99blastezach's air filter looked crappier,so get the new unifilter.

200 cc, since you entered and everyone is a winner in my book, you get a prize too.

Both you guys send me a pm with your address, and I'll get your stuff out to you asap
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as usual...dirty - above and beyond !